Get to know your readers with CONNECT!

March 28, 2023

What is CONNECT?

CONNECT is an identity management service whose mission is to enable an ecosystem of interconnected products and services that offers end users seamless and secure access to the content and services they need, with user-friendly privacy controls.

As well as increasing the number of authenticated user sessions for participating sites, CONNECT can provide rich first-party user data authorized by users. Publishers and societies can use this data to offer more personalized experiences for end users, create new value-added offerings, and more—thanks to better understanding their user base.


With CONNECT, users set up a single, centrally managed profile and credentials, with easy-to-use privacy controls, which they can then reuse across authorized sites. They can link institutional, personal, and social accounts in one profile, use their institutional subscriptions to access content with a personal login, and transition seamlessly between authorized sites and applications without additional login challenges. And not only that—the same CONNECT account can follow a user through their entire education and career journey!

>> See CONNECT in action at Future Science Group

CONNECT integrates with a wide range of customer tools for marketing automation, analytics, business intelligence, and more! Through business intelligence, CONNECT can enable publishers and societies to introduce value-added offerings and find new revenue opportunities.

Thanks to a simplified design and user experience best practices, CONNECT is proven to increase the number of new user registrations and authenticated user sessions. It provides more first-party data from user interactions across multiple products, then uses AI to understand this data.

>> See CONNECT in action at Sabinet

CONNECT beyond your Literatum site

CONNECT is already in use on more than one-third of Literatum customer sites, and its reach will expand as we roll it out to more customers in the coming months, replacing the local Literatum identity provider.

But CONNECT isn’t just for Literatum sites! It’s the identity management solution for ReX Submission and other Wiley Partner Solutions services, and because CONNECT is built on open standards, it can be used by publishers, application providers, and services across the industry—not just Atypon customers. Secure and scalable, it works alongside industry technologies like, CASA, and GetFTR, so when you implement CONNECT, you’re joining a large and growing community.

What’s next for CONNECT?

CONNECT is in active development, with biweekly improvement and new feature releases. Here are some of the features that Literatum and ReX Submission customers using CONNECT can look forward to:

  • Profile enrichment: Using the Atypon auto-tagger, taxonomy, and Publication Knowledge Graph, registered user profiles will be enriched with the user’s areas of interest, based on their interactions with content across all sites and services they have authorized.
  • Integrations with tools for marketing automation, analytics, business intelligence, and more: Through our partnership with Segment, the market-leading customer data platform from Twilio, registered user profile data, including enriched profile attributes, will be streamed to tools and applications from Segment’s large collection of destination applications to help you automate your business processes.

As we pursue our vision of an interconnected research ecosystem with the researcher as the North Star, there will be more opportunities to create new features that will enhance user productivity and engagement.


More questions? Ready to get started? Contact your Account Manager to learn more about what CONNECT can do for you and your user community!

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