ACM experiments with AI: Custom Scitrus Feeds: Interview with Wayne Graves

May 5, 2021

Atypon technologist Nikos Nanas created Scitrus as part of his Ph.D. program. Today, Scitrus is a robust discovery engine designed to intelligently push content to researchers and practitioners who in turn train it to be even more effective simply by interacting with it.

Publishers, ever eager to explore new avenues for content discovery and reader retention, are learning about the unique opportunities Scitrus presents for them – particularly if they are already using Literatum.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is one of the earliest adopters of Scitrus custom feeds, as implemented for ACM Focus. We interviewed the project’s champion, Wayne Graves, Director of Information Systems at ACM, to learn more about his motivation for giving Scitrus a try, as well as what’s next now that the program is live.

Q: Please describe the unique proposition integrating Scitrus feeds offers to ACM, and to ACM’s membership and readership.

A: Scitrus is facilitating our goal of surfacing relevant content across the ACM Digital Library and other ACM properties based on particular technical subject areas within computing.  Using a ‘feeds’ approach is a very current and natural way for our community to explore and interact with this targeted content.  We wanted the user to get a more personally focused view of ACM through a single stream.

Q: What were your first impressions upon exposure to Scitrus technology?

A: It appeared to me that Scitrus was very smart technology looking for a really good use case.

Q: Why is pursuing the integration important for ACM?

A: We heard through several communication efforts that individuals are often unaware of the variety of content that ACM has to offer in a particular area and that finding this content can be challenging and time consuming.  This integration provides a way to passively aggregate this content into a familiar interface that will allow for engagement and discovery.

Q: What is the community response like thus far?

A: It is too early to tell, but our initial reactions have been very good.

Q: What’s next? Are improvements and enhancements planned for this program? 

A: ACM has many more sources of content that will further enhance the usefulness of these targeted feeds and adding these sources will only make this community offering better.

If you want to learn more about Scitrus opportunities, please contact us to set a meeting and demonstration.

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