New CABI Digital Library supports research and learning in agriculture, the environment and the applied life sciences

August 3, 2022

CABI has launched the exciting new CABI Digital Library—which will showcase all of CABI’s content in one location—on Atypon’s award-winning online publishing platform, Literatum.

The move is the first step in CABI’s plans to migrate all its publishing content into one platform to make it easier for students, researchers, librarians, practitioners and extension workers to access the wealth of available knowledge.

The CABI Digital Library launches with CABI’s books, journals (CABI Agriculture and Bioscience and CABI Reviews), agriRxivsearchRxiv, and cases content. It will be swiftly followed by CABI Compendia, the Plantwise Knowledge Bank, collections and its research database products (CAB Abstracts and Global Health).

It will also be home to a number of new products including CABI One HealthOne Health Cases, One Health Knowledge Bank and Animal Behaviour and Welfare Cases.

CABI’s new site uses the latest advances in digital publishing to make CABI’s content more portable, allowing the discovery and browsing of content on any device, and more searchable—giving users new ways to find more relevant content, more quickly.

Content is now more centered around the author—giving authors usage and citation data and the ability to share articles more easily.

CABI has also partnered with the IP Registry. This allows institutions to manage their IP ranges in one place for a variety of platforms including the CABI Digital Library.

Dr Andy Robinson, Managing Director, Publishing at CABI, said, “We’re really excited to have reached this milestone which is the first step in making all CABI’s content available in one easily accessible place.

“Indeed, the new interface has been designed and optimized around the needs of our users to drive usage and engagement. So, whether you are a student, researcher or even practitioner, you can rest assured that the CABI Digital Library offers an intuitive user experience.

“Ultimately, the new service will help further CABI’s mission of helping to improve people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.”

Find out more about the CABI Digital Library here:

Additional information

About CABI

CABI is an international not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.

Through knowledge sharing and science, CABI helps address issues of global concern such as improving global food security and safeguarding the environment. We do this by helping farmers grow more and lose less of what they produce, combating threats to agriculture and the environment from pests and diseases, protecting biodiversity from invasive species, and improving access to agricultural and environmental scientific knowledge. Our 49 member countries guide and influence our core areas of work, which include development and research projects, scientific publishing and microbial services.

We gratefully acknowledge the core financial support from our member countries (and lead agencies) including the United Kingdom (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), China (Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs), Australia (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research), Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Netherlands (Directorate-General for International Cooperation, and Switzerland (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). Other sources of funding include program/project funding from development agencies, the fees paid by our member countries and profits from our publishing activities which enable CABI to support rural development and scientific research around the world.

About CABI Digital Library

The CABI Digital Library is an exciting new platform which will showcase all of CABI’s content in one convenient location on a modern interface. The new platform offers an enhanced user experience with the ability to quickly and easily search across all content in one place.

About Atypon

Atypon develops publishing technologies for getting mission-critical content into the hands of the practitioners and researchers who need it most. Atypon’s online publishing and website development tools let publishers manage and deliver all of the content they distribute—from standards and scholarly articles to video and online courses. Atypon’s tools for researchers let them easily author, discover, and access the content they need. Founded in 1996, Atypon is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, with over 470 staff in 9 offices around the world, and is owned by Wiley.

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