Atypon’s New UX 3.0 System Increases Sessions and Downloads for Future Science Group Websites

October 10, 2017

Future Medicine and Future Science Websites are First to Benefit from New Literatum Technology

Santa Clara, California, US & London, England—October 11, 2017—Future Medicine and Future Science, the publication websites of the Future Science Group (FSG), have been redesigned and relaunched using Atypon’s UX 3.0, a comprehensive new design language and implementation system for delivering sophisticated, engaging publication websites. Future Science Group (FSG), whose websites have been hosted on Atypon’s LIteratum platform since 2005, is the first publisher to benefit from UX 3.0.

The UX 3.0 system significantly accelerates the development and implementation of website designs. It includes a client-branded library of styles and site components for rapidly designing and assembling HTML page prototypes, eliminating the traditional, time-consuming process of wireframing. The UX 3.0 system also enables designs to be reviewed and adjusted in real time, reducing design cycles. And with technology for creating accurate HTML from the start, UX3.0 websites improve load times and SEO.

Launched in July, the new FSG sites’ clean interface and frictionless user experience has already resulted in year-over-year increases of total sessions (14%) and downloads (7%).

UX3.0 is integrated into PageBuilder, Literatum’s website building tool. With widgets that link directly to the UX 3.0 design library, PageBuilder expedites site changes and greatly accelerates the creation of new pages and products by non-technical publishing staff.

“UX 3.0 and PageBuilder have made our team, and our sites, significantly more nimble,” said Phil Garner, Managing Director of FSG. “It is now fast and easy for us to create new pages, populate them with topic-specific content, and post everything from related tweets to video abstracts—all on-the-fly.”  

FSG is also combining Literatum’s precise visitor targeting capability with in-house article-level ads. By targeting ads based on visitors’ profile and onsite behavior, FSG is driving readers to new content, increasing institutional usage, encouraging readers to sign up for alerts, and promoting their related community sites. Article-level ad placements open the door for FSG to offer targeted ads to paying third-parties.

The new FSG websites were designed by the Atypon Design Studio using UX 3.0 design principles for modern, consumerized sites that follow internet best-practices for search, eCommerce, authentication, and UX. UX 3.0 design principles give Atypon publishers new ways to present and surface content and ensure that they’re giving readers the online experiences that they expect from successful consumer sites.

“UX 3.0 sites reduce time from design concept to site launch, while PageBuilder speeds new products’ time to market and a publisher’s ability to respond to readers’ needs,” said Georgios Papadopoulos, founder and CEO of Atypon. “Together they’re a powerful, essential combination for giving digital publishers a measurable market advantage.”

About Future Science Group
Founded in 2001, Future Science Group (FSG) is a progressive publisher focused on breakthrough medical, biotechnological and scientific research. FSG’s portfolio includes two imprints, Future Science and Future Medicine. In addition to this core publishing business, FSG develops specialist digital hubs. Key titles and sites include Bioanalysis Zone, Epigenomics, Nanomedicine and the award-winning Regenerative Medicine.

The aim of FSG is to service the advancement of clinical practice and drug research by enhancing the efficiency of communications among clinicians, researchers and decision-makers, and by providing innovative solutions to their information needs. This is achieved through a customer-centric approach, use of new technologies, products that deliver value-for-money and uncompromisingly high standards.

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About Atypon
Atypon develops software essential to the business of online publishing. Literatum, our publishing platform, provides easy-to-use tools and automated technologies that free publishers to focus on content—not technology—giving them as much control of the presentation, marketing, and sale of their online publications as they choose. Websites powered by Literatum feature major advancements in consumerized user interfaces, user experience design, and eCommerce journeys, as well as full support for any content type. Founded in 1996, we are headquartered in Silicon Valley. Our customers include Elsevier, The New England Journal of Medicine, the University of Chicago Press, and SAGE.

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