The World’s Most Influential Journals

July 19, 2017

The most influential journals in scholarly publishing were revealed in the June 2017 Journal Citation Report from Clarivate. We are proud to announce that Atypon clients publish the top two, and four of the top ten most-cited scholarly journals across all disciplines.

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians and The New England Journal of Medicine are the two most frequently cited journals in the world, published by Wiley and the Massachusetts Medical Society, respectively. Lancet Global Health, published by Elsevier, is the #1 most-cited OA journal.

Emerald, the American Chemical Society, Wiley, and SAGE, four Atypon publishers, have recently reported year-over-year increases in impact factors. 

Atypon clients also publish the the #1 most-cited journal in 99 disciplines and more than 40% of the world’s most-cited journals across all disciplines.

We are grateful to to work with the world’s most influential publishers. Congratulations to all.

The Journal Citation Report measures journal impact factor (JIF), the frequency with which the average article in a given journal has been cited. Libraries use JIF to inform which journals should they subscribe to; JIF enables publishers to understand how their journals compare to others in the same field.


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