CONNECT Identity Provider active users grow by more than 100% with the addition of Wiley Research Publishing

July 2, 2024

CONNECT Identity Provider, Atypon’s identity management service, offers an interconnected and productive scholarly ecosystem giving publishers a better understanding of their readers and user communities by increasing the number of known users and reducing registration and log-in friction, an important first step to audience engagement and monetization.

Wiley Research Publishing including Wiley Online Library, Wiley Analytical Science, Wiley Author Services, and Research Exchange, have recently enabled CONNECT Identity Provider as their identity management and single sign-on solution, joining over 35 other Atypon partner publishers and societies growing the CONNECT Identity Provider ecosystem and increasing monthly active users by more than 100%+.

“Enabling CONNECT Identity Provider as our identity management solution marks a significant milestone for Wiley’s end-to-end publishing vision. With CONNECT Identity Provider as the single sign-on across Wiley’s entire research publishing workflow–from submission and peer review in Research Exchange to readership on Wiley Online Library–users log in once and gain access to all Wiley publisher systems, enabling a seamless experience across all participating platforms and enabling insights to our user communities.”
– Kristin McNealy | Wiley Vice President, Operations Product Management

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