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The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has selected Literatum as its new online publishing platform.
Taylor & Francis has extended its existing contract and will continue to host, deliver, and market all of its research journals on Literatum, Atypon’s online publishing and website development platform.
AGU, Atypon, and Hypothesis are today announcing the selection of Hypothesis’ open source annotation framework to provide annotation capabilities on the Earth and Space Science […]
Today, Atypon and Hypothesis are announcing a collaboration to align annotation capabilities in Atypon’s new in-browser Literatum eReader with the emerging ecosystem of interoperable clients […]
A client since 2015, SAGE will continue host its 1,000+ journals in numerous disciplines on Literatum. “We put a high value on Atypon’s robust roadmap of platform enhancements,” said John Shaw, SAGE’s VP of Publishing Technologies.
The implementation gives publishers control of how most GDPR requirements are implemented and lets readers manage their own data. Publishers automate the amount of time they retain reader data.
Four new clients and two long-standing customers launched new websites, five of which were designed by the Atypon Design Studio using our UX 3.0 design-and-build system. PageBuilder, Literatum’s built-in widget-based UX design tool, will give the publishers direct, real-time control of their site’s content, design, and branding.
In his March 16, 2018, article in Research Information, Bill Kasdorf, a consultant in accessibility issues, notes that the Atypon eReader’s automatic XML-to-EPUB conversion functionality […]
The US government’s new responsive, 508-compliant website—designed by the Atypon Design Studio—will host a podcast library, abstract proceedings, and Chinese language translations of articles discoverable directly through the site’s search interface.
Learn more about our technologies and strategies for distributing, marketing, and selling all of your content online.